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Work Plan and Priority Actions for cOAlition S



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For the latest information, please visit: https://www.coalition-s.org/category/news

We acknowledge that there is a wide range of work to be done to implement Plan S, some of which is noted at various points in the revised implementation guidance.  We have identified the following priorities for the next few months:

  1. Appoint an Open Access Champion who will promote Plan S to research funders and other stakeholders.
  2. Establish the cOAlition S Secretariat and develop a budget to take work forward.
  3. Convene meetings of the existing members of cOAlition S, to share insights and address challenges in implementing Plan S.
  4. Work together to articulate a vision for the long term future of Open Access.
  5. Set up a task force to develop a framework to monitor the effects of Plan S on the research and scholarly communication ecosystems.
  6. Set up a task force to identify where it is difficult to comply with Plan S, consider how to address these issues, and provide reliable information to researchers on how they can align with Plan S.
  7. Work with publishers, societies, consortia, and others to develop clearer approaches to transformative arrangements towards full and immediate Open Access.
  8. Work with publisher representatives and other stakeholders to define the various services (e.g., triaging, peer review, editorial work, copy editing) publishers will be asked to price.
  9. Begin discussions to explore the best ways to implement rights retention for authors and institutions, recognising national, disciplinary, and other differences.