Australasian Open Access Strategy Group and Queensland University of Technology
Prof Virginia (Ginny) Barbour is Co-Lead, Office for Scholarly Communication, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and Director of Open Access Australasia. She trained in the UK in medicine, specialising in haematology and then went onto to do a DPhil at Oxford University and post-doctoral research in the US on globin gene regulation.
She was one of the three founding editors of PLOS Medicine. She has been involved in many international open access, innovative scholarly communication and publication and research integrity initiatives. She was previously Chair of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). She is currently Vice-Chair of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) Steering Committee, a Plan S Ambassador, a member of Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)’s Executive Board and a member of the Australian NHMRC’s Research Quality Steering Committee. She is an editorial advisor to medRxiv.