Latest news
- Journal Comparison Service adopts a single pricing and service framework to simplify data comparison [update, June 6, 2024]
- cOAlition S appoints Advisory Panel to further develop the Journal Comparison Service [New, March 15, 2023]
- More than 2000 journals share price and service data through Plan S’s Journal Comparison Service [Press Release, November 16, 2022]
- Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for libraries and library consortia to register and access price and service data [Press Release, September 28, 2022]
- Plan S Journal Comparison Service: open for publishers to register and deposit price and service data [Press Release, May 24, 2022]
- Journal Comparison Service: deadline for publisher registrations extended [update, March 24, 2022]
- cOAlition S starts building its Journal Comparison Service to help create visibility of publishing services and prices [Press Release, December 16, 2021]
Related events
ALPSP Event – Latest developments from cOAlition S: Journal Comparison Service & Fostering OA Agreements [recording, May 25, 2022]