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cOAlition S welcomes the joint statement on Empowering Researchers in Open Access


cOAlition S is pleased to read the joint statement by CESAER, the European University Association (EUA) and Science Europe calling on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights and to end the use of restrictions and embargoes. The statement signed by the presidents of the three organisations that represent more than 880 universities, research-performing and research-funding organisations is a strong show of support for Open Science and Open Access.

Johan Rooryck, cOAlition S Executive Director, commented: “cOAlition S welcomes the strong call to publishers from CESAER, the European University Association (EUA), and Science Europe to respect researchers’ ownership rights to their author accepted manuscripts. Publishers should provide clarity to researchers about where they stand on the Rights Retention Strategy and remove workflows that are in contradiction with it”.

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