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A study to assess the impact of Plan S on the global scholarly communication ecosystem: tender results


cOAlition S is pleased to announce that the tender process for a study to assess the impact of Plan S on the global scholarly communication ecosystem has been successfully completed. The tender has been awarded to scidecode science consulting,  an international team of experts with extensive consulting experience and project work within the scholarly communication domain.

To assess the impact Plan S has had on the scholarly communication ecosystem and on facilitating research to be published Open Access, scidecode will follow a multifaceted approach, encompassing both quantitative econometrics and a qualitative methodology based on desk research, a comprehensive literature analysis, and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. These stakeholders will include research funders, advocates for institutional Open Access initiatives, publishers and researchers.

The study, which is funded by the European Union via the OA-Advance project, is anticipated to deliver valuable insights into the effectiveness of cOAlition S in achieving its objectives. and provide actionable recommendations to improve and expand upon these. The findings and recommendations are expected to be published in mid-2024.

Johan Rooryck, Executive Director of cOAlition S, remarked: “Five years after the announcement of Plan S and three years after its implementation, it is important to take stock of what has worked, what hasn’t, and to review how this bold initiative has shaped the scholarly landscape. We look forward to the findings and insights delivered by the scidecode team which will feed into the future work of cOAlition S.

Pablo de Castro, who is leading the work at scidecode science consulting stated: “Scidecode are proud to have been awarded this study, which will allow us to explore what Plan S has meant for the ongoing progress towards 100% immediate Open Access and to look into what OA implementation may look like in the forthcoming years”.

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Scidecode to explore the impact of Plan S (blog post by scidecode published on 6 October 2023)

cOAlition S announces the release of an independent study on the impact of Plan S (15 October 2024)